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Open Call:
Diversity, Culture, Virtual Reality

Katharina Haverich (Performance and media artist)
Lucas Kuster (Design researcher and experimental artist)

Extended to 14.08
Deadline: First project information (max. 1,500 characters)

Decision on contributions

Deadline: Submission of full contribution consisting of 2 parts
  • Contribution (max. 15,000 characters for text)
  • Brief information about yourself (max. 400 characters)

Form of publication
Book (Free PDF and printed edition for a fee)

Form of submission
Open (Text, visuals, Virtual Reality, projects …)

Invitation to contribute
Many people are talking about the Metaverse. There are different opinions about it. Some are concerned about surveillance, manipulation, and profit-driven motives. There are fears that the Metaverse could potentially reproduce racism or ableism, for example. On the other hand, there is also hope. For instance, the envisioning of new forms of virtual communities or additional spaces for marginalized individuals. It could create new possibilities for life and work, enabling greater participation and exchange.

This invitation aims to encourage critical thinking about Virtual Reality (VR), specifically exploring the social aspects within the virtual realm. For instance, how VR could contribute to increased diversity in the cultural sphere. However, it is important to consider that technology itself often excludes many people.

Examples, processes, failures, critical discussions, and unsuccessful projects are sought after. The themes encompass virtuality, diversity, and the design of the Metaverse. The focus is on questioning who is shaping the Metaverse for whom.

Contributions can be guided by the following questions:
  • Which problems are productively addressed or reproduced in VR?
  • How can software and hardware be creatively adapted to meet different requirements?
  • What is important for "virtual accessibility" concerning text, audio, video, hardware, etc.?
  • What are the new forms of communication between designers and users in VR?
  • What can be transferred to real spaces?

Contributions can be submitted via email or WeTransfer to mail@katharinahaverich.de or contact@lucaskuster.com

Selection of submissions
We try to ensure that the selection committee consists of people with different perspectives. All submissions will be evaluated to ensure they align with the topic. At the same time, efforts will be made to include a diverse range of perspectives. In total, 8-12 contributions will be selected.

If an abstract is accepted and the complete contribution is submitted, an invoice can be issued. The invoice can range between €50.00 and €250.00 (net). The amount can be determined by the submitter and does not affect the acceptance of the contribution.

The open call was initiated by Katharina Haverich's project Brecht Into The Metaverse. The project is conducted in collaboration with Ymusic GmbH and is funded by the Fonds Darstellende Künste and the Berlin Senate.

Further information
We strive to work in a barrier-free manner. We aim to prioritize collaboration with individuals from diverse perspectives. However, we acknowledge our own biases and the potential for overlooking certain perspectives. We are open to criticism and inquiries, and we appreciate any suggestions and tips.

Supported by
Senat Berlin & Fonds Darstellende Künste

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