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Set the Stage
New courses for digital production of culture and media

The word metaverse seems to be very important.
Many people think about the metaverse.
Some people think:
The metaverse is great!
Other people think:
The metaverse is bad!
Why do some people think the metaverse is bad?

For example:
  • Some companies want to make a lot of money in the metaverse.
  • Some companies want to observe people in the metaverse.
  • Some companies want to manipulate people in the metaverse.
  • Some companies want to sell things in the metaverse.

But some people also think:
The metaverse can be great!

For example:
  • People can meet there.
  • People can learn there.
  • People can talk to each other there.
  • Doctors can examine patients there.

The project Set the Stage wants to build a theatre stage in the metaverse. A theatre stage is a place for actors, visitors ...

But how can you build a stage in the metaverse?
That's what the project wants to show.
The stage should be built from scratch.
That means: It doesn't exist yet.
It is supposed to be a good example for other things in the Internet. People should think about it together.
They should not think about it alone.
They should not think about money alone.
They should think about all people and all things together.

The project Set the Stage is a work from the field of culture.
There should be more equality and diversity in the digital world.

How can that be achieved with a theatre stage?
That's what the project wants to find out.

The Set the Stage project looks at existing solutions.
These solutions help people with disabilities.

For example:
  • Sign language in virtual reality.
  • Offers for people with hearing or visual impairments.
  • Solutions for people with mobility impairments.

The project looks at these solutions.
Then a virtual space is built. The space is like a stage.
People can work on the stage without barriers.
You can see the stage on the Internet with virtual reality glasses.

In this space, people will make a play by Bertolt Brecht.
The space is called: Brecht into the Metaverse.
The space is for many different people.

For example:
  • Artists
  • Actors
  • Designers
  • People who make computer games and computer art
  • People of all ages
  • People from many countries and cultures
  • People with disabilities

There are many different places in the metaverse.
The project takes place in VRChat.

VRChat is like a program for the computer.
You can enter different rooms in the program.
The rooms are like a room in real life.
But other people can also be in the room.
You can talk to other people in the rooms.
You can also write things and say things to other people.
You can also move your body and show that.

The project wants to show:
People with disabilities can do cultural things.
The project wants to help.
People with disabilities should be able to participate.
The project makes a space for this.

The space can be changed.
You can change the space on the computer.
Then you can see films and theatre in the space.

The project itself should also change.
The people in the project should change, too.
We are looking for new people.
We are talking to other people and institutions.

For example:
  • RambaZamba Theater
  • Berliner Blindenverein e.V.
  • Sozialhelden e.V.

There will also be a book.
The book will be about culture in virtual reality.
The book will also be about different aspects in culture production in general.
We want to write about that in the book.
We are looking for people writing in this book.

We want to ask people about writing this book with us in June 2023.